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A Time-Honored Tradition in Treating Hypothyroidism by Dr. Wilson


  The road one travels while treating hypothyroidism based on laboratory tests is strewn with potholes. Every doctor who treats hypothyroidism sees discrepancy when comparing blood test results with how the patient reports feeling. This failure to find an explanation for a patient’s symptoms may result in the physician determining that the patient has a […]

Autism Web Resources

  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned — unless it is a mother of a mercury toxic, autistic child. The tragedy of autism has been the birthplace of thousands of activists who want to spare other families from similar tragedies. Check out this small sampling of web sites that are excellent examples of […]

Could Autistics Be All Doped Up?

  Though autism is traditionally defined as a psychiatric disorder, we now know that autism has roots in genetics and immunology. Exposure to environmental stressors can profoundly affect neurological and immune development, particularly during the vulnerable times during gestation and early childhood.   Take, for example, the role of damaged intestinal lining present in many […]

Autism and Methylation

  Methylation is a very important chemical reaction in the body that is responsible for well-being, health, and longevity. It protects DNA, impacts brain function, regulates detoxification and reproduction, and determines the rate of aging by turning numerous chemical processes either on or off. The ability to methylate naturally slows with aging, but it can […]

Are Some Cases of Autism Really Mercury Toxicity?

  Few parents who are required to consent to the administration of vaccines for their children are aware that ethyl mercury, a known neurotoxin, is used as a preservative in many childhood vaccines. Parents aren’t the only ones unaware — many physicians also don’t know the long list of ingredients that comprise vaccines.   A […]

Creating a Healing Environment

Advances in physical sciences in the last 150 years have led to the human body being viewed as a collection of parts. That view has, in turn, led to medical specialization that treats only certain parts of the body (eye doctors, heart doctors, skin doctors, etc.) and the surgical removal or transplantation of parts. Though […]

Functional Symptoms vs. Organic Disease

  Many, if not most, health complaints are termed functional, meaning that no known associated organic or pathological tissue changes can be found by the physician investigating possible causes of the symptoms. Functional symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, abdominal pain, indigestion, low back pain, or simply not feeling well.   Organic or pathological […]

Prevention Strategies in Mainstream and Alternative Medicine


  Is the time-tested adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” relevant in the discussion of disease prevention? The answer is a loud and clear “Yes!” Prevention in a mainstream medicine model includes accident prevention (e. g. wearing seat belts, preventing falls), screening elevated blood pressure and blood sugar, weight normalization, […]

Got Zinc?

  Signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency include impaired senses of taste and smell, skin problems, recurrent or chronic infections, hair loss, cracks at the corner of the mouth, hangnails, vertical ridges in fingernails, inflamed cuticles, chronic diarrhea, fatigue, low sperm counts, and delayed sexual maturity in addition to neurological symptoms.   Because zinc is […]

Test Your Knowledge of Nutritional and Herbal Medicine

  Have some fun while you learn about the power of natural therapies. Give yourself one point for each correctly answered question. Answers follow the questions.   1. Name two trace minerals important in forming healthy bones. 2. What mineral is approved for emergency intravenous use in treating a heart attack in progress? 3. What […]