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Autism and Methylation


Methylation is a very important chemical reaction in the body that is responsible for well-being, health, and longevity. It protects DNA, impacts brain function, regulates detoxification and reproduction, and determines the rate of aging by turning numerous chemical processes either on or off. The ability to methylate naturally slows with aging, but it can prematurely burn out in autistic children.


Most, but not all, autistics are poor methylators, resulting, in effect, in a biochemical “short circuit.” When important biochemical circuitry in the body does not work, toxic metabolic byproducts build up and stop important biochemical processes from working. Specific nutrients can help correct impaired methylation circuitry, resulting in symptomatic improvement.


Subcutaneous injections of Methylcobalomin (vitamin B12) and sublingual dimethylglycine (DMG), plus oral supplementation of vitamin B6, folinic acid, MSM, choline, SAMe, selenium, zinc, inositol, and a wholesome, nutrient-dense diet form the nutritional approaches used to help autistics directly or indirectly support undermethylation. A two-month trial may be necessary to see a response.



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