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Q/A: Pollen Allergy by Dr. Wilson

woman sneezing

  Q. Help! The pollen is so bad this year. What can I do for the allergy symptoms?   A. I find different remedies work for different people. Some respond very well to the use of Neti Pot to deliver passive (not forceful) saline irrigations that remove pollen from the nasal passages.   Avoidance of […]

Pesticides Linked With Infertility and Parkinson’s Disease

fresh greens hero

Pesticides have actions that interfere with the way hormones work and are thus called endocrine disruptors. Wildlife studies of infertility and physical abnormalities of gulls, deer, terns, fish, frogs, whales, porpoises, alligators, and turtles link environmental contaminants with disturbances in the production or action of sex hormones. Humans have not escaped the effects of pesticides […]

Trans Fats: Facts and Fallacies

  Trans fats occur naturally in very small amounts in animal meat such as beef, pork, and lamb, and occur in very large amounts as a result of the conversion of vegetable oils into margarine and shortening. To avoid a complicated biochemical definition, suffice it to say that trans fat molecules are straight in shape […]

Are You Oxidizing?

  Oxidation is a process in nature by which matter decays when exposed to oxygen: car paint dulls, newspapers yellow, apples turn brown when cut, and iron turns to rust. Scientists are now aware of the many roles oxidation plays in human diseases. It has been said that we don’t age, we rust.   Oxidation […]

How to Decrease Cancer Risk

  Dr. Wilson and Dr. Wright recently attended the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) conference titled Cancer: Complementary and Conventional Approaches to Prevention and Treatment. Startling statistics pointed both to the extent of cancer occurrence and to solutions to reduce cancer risk.   In 1990, three percent of deaths in the United States […]

Q/A: Diabetes and Cholesterol by Dr. Wilson

  Q. Won’t eating all the cholesterol in meat and eggs cause heart disease?   A. For diabetics, carbohydrates act like a metabolic poisen. Fats, however, provide an excellent energy source for diabetics. The notion that cholesterol causes heart disease is one of the biggest medical misconceptions around. Ongoing analysis of the 53-year long Framingham […]

The Carb/Mood Trap

girl tasting detoxing smoothie

  Are carbs really comfort food? “Yes,” temporarily, but “no” in the long run. Eating carbs can quickly result in increased serotonin, a neurotransmitter known for its role in depression. Your body associates the resulting “high” with eating carbs, but doesn’t associate carbs with the “low” that occurs a couple of hours later. A carb […]

Diabetic Recipe

woman checking blood sugar

  Sticky Buns?   Mix 4 cups of sugar with 6 cups of white flour. Cut in 2 sticks of margarine with a TV remote control. Slowly stir in 265 pounds of obesity. Moisten with a liter of a soda of your choice mixed with an equal volume of fruit juice. Finely chop two of […]

What Are Carbs?

Carbohydrates consist of starches, called complex carbohydrates, and sugars, called simple carbohydrates. All carbohydrates turn to glucose through the process of digestion. Starches are found in all grains (wheat, rice, corn, rye, oats, barley, spelt), all hot and cold cereals, pasta, white and sweet potatoes, breads, crackers, bagels, etc. Sugar is found in many beverages […]

Diabetes, Defined

  Defining diabetes by listing all of it’s potential complications is common but can be psychologically defeating, resulting in diabetics’ wondering why they should even bother to modify their diet and lifestyle.   We have developed a simple working defination of diabetes that emphasizes the hope found in sound diabetic treatment. And there’s a bonus: […]

Diabetes, Statistically Speaking

  In the January 1, 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medicel Association (JAMA), statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that the incidence of diabetes in the United States is is increased by 61 percent since 1991. An estimated 17 million Americans (6.2 percent of the population) now […]

Mercury Toxicity: Mad Hatters and Quacks

  Mercury occurs naturally in the ore cinnabar, which has been refined for its mercury content since the 15th or 16th century B.C. Once sentenced by the Romans to work in quicksilver (mercury) mines, criminals had an average life expectancy of only three years. The expression “mad as a hatter” refers to mental illness of […]

Treating Yeast-Related Health Problems


  The cornerstone of the medical treatment of candidiasis is diet. For a patient suffering from yeast overgrowth, eating sugar is like pouring gasoline on a fire. The patient needs to avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, including white flour and rice, and to eat foods rich in protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Additionally, […]

Probiotics: Beneficial Bacteria and Yeast

  Supplemental beneficial bacteria are called probiotics for their ability to support life, the opposite of antibiotics which are designed to kill bacteria. Unfortunately, antibiotics kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria.   Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most commonly supplemented species of the bacteria genus Lactobacillus. It is used to treat health problems, including traveler’s diarrhea […]

Back to the Basics: Yeast Related Health Problems

man with headache

  Many physicians who have made the transition from a conventional to an integrative medical practice have done so as a result of having seen a patient who feels “terrible all over” and for whom conventional medical testing can find nothing wrong. “All your tests are normal” can be discouraging words for such a person […]

Hypothyroidism: Lacking in Metabolic Fire

  The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is situated below and behind the larynx (Adam’s apple) and in front of the windpipe (trachea). The pituitary gland produces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) that directs the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone regulates the metabolic rate, the efficiency with which all the physical and […]

Preventing and Treating Influenza Naturally

  The role of good nutrition (no sugar), adequate sleep, stress reduction, exercise and regular hand washing with a mild hand soap go a long way toward preventing influenza. Natural remedies that GSMC physicians have found helpful include: Flu Solution An FDA approved over-the-counter homeopathic remedy. Take according to package directions at the very first […]

Prescription Drugs Cause Nutrient Depletion

  Many side effects of prescription drugs may not be direct effects of the drug per se, but due instead to nutrient depletion caused by taking the drug over time. Some common classes of drugs are listed below. Refer to Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook, by Pelton, et al. for more comprehensive information.   Antacids: calcium, […]

Dietary Soy Intake Linked to Nutrient Deficiencies

  Soy is recommended by healthcare providers for its ability to modulate the metabolism of estrogen in both sexes, and is commonly used in soy-based infant formulas.   Soy, once touted as a perfect, inexpensive protein source, has worked its way into the American diet in a big way and has done so with the […]

Signs and Symptoms of Specific Nutrient Deficiencies

A woman reading a book to a her grandchild.

  The following nutrient deficiencies are related to the listed signs and symptoms:   Fat-soluble Vitamins Vitamin A: Increased susceptibility to cancer, acne, night blindness and other eye problems; impaired maintenance, repair, and healing of skin and mucus membranes; impaired bone and teeth formation; accelerated aging Vitamin D: (Rickets) Bone loss (osteoporosis); low blood calcium; […]

Nutrient Deficiencies Can Result in Serious Health Problems

  A tragic reminder of the consequences of nutrient deficiencies occurred in November 2003, when the deaths of three Israeli infants were linked to the use of a Kosher soy-based infant formula manufactured in Germany that was sold as Remedia. Fourteen more infants were treated for problems associated with using the infant formula. Remedia was […]

Are Pesticides and Herbicides Bugging You?


  Three legged frogs. Bluebird eggs that don’t hatch. Infertile male alligators with female reproductive organs.   Futuristic headlines? Afraid not. The lyrics “Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it . . .” may be relegated to a time when they could do it.   Pesticides and herbicides belong to a […]

Tips to Prevent Mold Growth

  Thoroughly inspect any home for mold contamination before buying it. Mobile homes are particularly vulnerable to mold growth.   Treat mold contamination by addressing conditions that support mold growth: lack of ventilation, darkness and, especially, moisture.   Ventilate high moisture areas: the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry. Use fans to exhaust moisture from the laundry, […]

Is Your Moldy Home Making You Sick?

  We’ve all seen the dramatic footage on the evening news. An entire family finds themselves homeless, prohibited from entering their dream-home-turned-moldy-toxic-EPA-nightmare.   Could molds be putting your health at risk? For more and more people across the nation, the answer is yes.   More than 200,000 species of molds have long been associated with […]

Speedometers, Lymphocytes and Your Health


Few people would check their car’s speedometer once a year and think that doing so would protect them from getting a speeding ticket later that year.   Yet, that is exactly what many people do with their health if they rely on the laboratory serum tests routinely performed during annual physical exams to screen for […]

The Cholesterol Hypothesis of Heart Disease and Statin Drugs

The guys in white coats are in your television set, and they’re advertising cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) 24/7. They know if they throw enough spaghetti on the wall, some of it will stick.   Americans spend $12.6 billion/year on statins, proving the cholesterol hypothesis has stuck. The theory that cholesterol causes heart disease is called the […]

Angioplasty with Stent Placement vs. Exercise Training

Young woman jogging outside in sunny autumn forest. The sun is shining in the background.

Research results reported in the March 2004 issue of Circulation may be the best news for heart patients since, well, the bicycle was invented.   The benefits of stent angioplasty as rescue intervention in acute coronary problems is well established. But its benefits are less clear in a patient with stable exercise-induced angina.   Cardiologists […]

Osteoporosis is Under Diagnosed in Men

The stereotypical image that comes to mind when hearing the word osteoporosis is that of a fragile-appearing, elderly woman.   Stereotypes often have some basis in truth. Indeed, in the United States, an estimated 7.8 million women have osteoporosis, compared to 2.3 million men. Let’s take a look at the differences in osteoporosis between men […]

Got D?

Vitamin D, also called calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin found in foods, although 90-95 percent of Vitamin D is synthesized in skin that has been exposed to sunlight.   There are two types of vitamin D supplements: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) that comes from fish oil, eggs, organ meats, animal fat, and plant sources, and D2 […]

Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis

by Pamela Shuler, D.N.Sc., C.F.N.P., R.N.   Ed. Note: Pam Shuler, C.F.N.P., authored this article that originally appeared in the Asheville Citizen-Times earlier this year. It is reprinted here to make it accessible to all our readers.   With a life expectancy of 79 years, a woman in the United States may live about half […]

Health Risks of Obesity

If you need a dose of reality about the health risks associated with diabetes, check out this formidable list: Type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and lipids, sleep apnea, coronary artery disease, osteoarthritis of the knee, fatty liver disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gout, low back pain, impotence, and some cancers, […]

Dying for a Good Night’s Sleep?

woman sleeping

  Each night across America, an estimated 15 million people are, in effect, being asphyxiated in their own homes.   Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a much more serious health problem than just the annoyance of snoring. When lying down to sleep at night, the airway can actually collapse or can become physically obstructed, resulting […]

The Secret Life of Fat

Who would have imagined that a seemingly passive slab of belly fat could turn on its accommodating host by deploying sophisticated biochemical weapons that undermine health?   Though this “Attack of the Killer Fat” sounds like the title of a low budget movie, understanding the concept may go a long way toward removing the stigma […]